The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation has now shared gaming proceeds of its second quarter of fiscal 2023-24 with host communities. Most recently, the City of Windsor received its cut for Q2 for hosting Caesars Windsor Casino. The city was one of the 29 communities in the province to get a gambling allocation, with OLG paying over CA$40 million to its partners.

Profits from OLG’s regulated casino operations are shared with its host communities via the Municipality Contribution Agreement. Payments are based on a formula consistently applied across all casinos through a graduated scale of gaming revenue at each hosted site. Since 1994, host communities have collected more than CA$2 billion in non-tax gaming revenue.
Windsor Receives Q2 Allocation
As per the Municipality Contribution Agreement, for the second quarter of the current financial year, the City of Windsor was awarded a payment of CA$2.3 million. It applies to the period between July 1, 2023 and September 30, 2023. Since the start of the current fiscal year, the city has received over CA$5.7 million which will fund local programs and services.
A while back Ontario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy commented that payments from the agreement aid municipalities in funding priority projects such as community infrastructure, parks and recreation, along with healthcare facilities, and benefitting local families and residents. Since the opening of the Windsor casino, the city has collected over CA$88.1 million.
Other Ontario municipalities, such as the City of Peterborough have also claimed their latest quarterly payments from the Crown corporation. The city hosts Shorelines Casino Peterborough and for Q2 it received a payment totalling $800,021. For OLG’s fiscal year from April 1 to March 31, 2024, Peterborough has already pocketed CA$1,589,950 in non-tax gambling proceeds.
The City of Greater Sudbury which is the home of Gateway Casinos Sudbury has also gotten its quarterly allocation from the Crown agency. In Q2, the city bagged a total payment of CA$473,532. For the current FY, Sudbury received CA$851,405 and since the launch of the casino in November 1999, the city has amassed more than CA$48 million.
Earlier this year, Greater Sudbury expressed its appreciation to OLG for its continued community funding at a cheque presentation event at Tom Davies Square. Mayor Paul Lefebvre, thanked the Crown agency for its support and explained the millions of dollars from OLG have contributed to the city over the years have provided growth and well-being for the municipality.
Niagara Falls Gets the Heftiest Share
Niagara Falls is the municipality with the largest portion of the gambling revenue, which comes as no surprise, considering it is a tourist hotspot with two casinos. For Q2, Fallsview Casino Resort and Casino Niagara managed to accumulate CA$5,387,008 for the city. For the current FY, the city has already acquired over CA$11.7 million in non-taxable gambling earnings.
Source: “OLG cuts cheque to Windsor for Caesars Windsor”, October 19, 2023